Website Design Development Testing Deployment
Website Design Development Testing Deployment-testing-deployment

Website Design & Development

First impression is key to a successful business and that couldn’t be more true with your website. Your website is your face to the world. It needs to be 100% effective and that’s where our web designers and web developers with over 20 years experience come in.

We Build quality websites

At Envision, we know your website is a tool and we build that tool quality from the start. Our web design professionals has built over 800 websites in the past two decades. Thus, honed in their experience to build quality, beautiful and professional branded websites as well as online stores.

From our initial meeting to launching your new website, your experience with Envision will always be well organized. As well as being productive, on budget and most importantly fun!

We pride ourselves on our positive and outgoing atmosphere while being focused and always reaching our clients goals. In fact, below is our process of how a new web design and development comes together.

We specialize in “funnel” solutions for your product and service as well. We can help build your funnel, email automation, followup funnels and more.

Website Development Process

Website Design Development Discovery Meeting

Discovery Phase

Every website we build from design to development is carefully constructed with your customers in mind. We know, understand and respect your return on investment.

We start with an initial discovery meeting to discuss your market, your competition, concerns, your goals and your target audience.

Website Design Development Proposal Scope Of Work

Proposal & Scope Of Work

Once we learned in depth what this web design and development project entails, we put together a proposal document. This document details what we can offer and the investment cost.

Once agreed, we draft up the contract and scope of work to assure everyone is on the same page. We believe transparency is a must to have a successful business relationship.

Website Design Development Project Management

Project Management Plan

To assure we work together in a cohesive manner, we develop a project management plan including timelines, requirements and goals.

We give you online tools to keep the project organized, allow easy communication and upload content.

Website Design Development Wireframe

Wire frame

We build a website wire frame based on the information we formed from the discovery phase. We use important factors such as psychology of influence and principles of a “call to action” layout.

Our wire frame is designed to help drive your leads to sales.

Concept Design

We then take the fundamentals of the approved wire frame and we set to work on a visual mock-up. Specifically, this is a concept of the overall website look and theme.

This will be displayed as a non-functional website link for visualizations only. Like the wire frame, we use lots of important factors when designing your new web design. This includes colors, fonts, element placements, real estate space and more revolving around your brand.

Website Design Development HTML Coding WordPress CSS


We start developing your new website on a CMS (Content Managed System) and installing all the required plugins. Bringing your mock-up to life is an orchestrated event. Our team uses the best development methods, software and tools for your new custom website.

Functionality, user experience and SEO value is our core focus when developing your website.

Website Design Development Testing Deployment

Testing & Deployment

We run your new website through various tests from browser and device compatibility. As well as functionality and ease of use all being done on a development (staging) environment.

Once we have double and triple checked all aspects of your new website. And you are satisfied with the results, we make the website live to the world.

Training & Support

Now that your new website is live, we put the power in your hands. This includes training you on how to use your website administration area to make edits and so on.

We also offer a web care package in which you can have us to the leg work for you. We host all our own sites on our own dedicated server. This allows us to offer the best security and updates to your website.

Website Design Development SEO Search Engine Optimization PPC Social Media

Other Web Services

We believe your website is only as good as the people who see it. We offer a wide range of web related services such as: