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Online Marketing & Social Media

Online Marketing & Social Media

Online marketing has become an intergral part of what a business is to its customers. The average internet user spends 24 hours a week online and has at least 7 social media accounts. Envision can help you get in frontline of these online users to increase your companies awareness, leading to more customers and more sales.

Marketing Strategies That Work

Simply creating a Facebook ad promotion, Google adwords campaign or any other online advertising takes more than just an image and some text. It’s takes expertise to craft the right ad for your product or service. With Envision and our years of experience, we have comprehensive strategies in place to find the best audience, amazing professional looking graphics and a strong effective message to attract the right people to your business.

Top Online Marketing Solutions

Social Media Campaigns

With over 80% of online users having at least one social media account and spend an average of two hours a day on them, it only makes sense to promote your business with a social media campaign. From Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and more, we can tailor make an attractive and effective campaign for you.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Almost all online users (97%) begin their web experience using a search engine. Paid ads always show before organic results. While SEO is very important for your website ranking and search results, nothing beats paid advertisements as an average of 40% clicks are on paid ads first. Let us help you create your Pay per click ad.

Email Marketing Campaigns

With all the spam protection and rules in place to stop unwanted email landing into peoples inboxes, it takes expert knowledge to know how to successfully run an email marketing campaign. At Envision, our experts know how to not only create a inbox safe email, but to also have a better chance of opening the email with engaging subject lines and effective call-to-action message.